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There are four separate FRO study groups ("FROGs") for the study of Objectivism: 1FROG, 2FROG, 3FROG, and 4FROG. The primary goal of these groups is to help members to understand the principles of Objectivism more clearly and deeply, so that they can better apply them in their own lives.

The various FROGs differ from one another in various ways, depending on the preferences of the members. Mostly, they meet once per month. Some groups meet at a member's home, while others meet in a local bookstore, restaurant, or coffee shop. Typically, about 10 to 14 people attend each meeting.

In the meeting, members discuss some Objectivist writing assigned the month before, usually two or three essays from an anthology by Ayn Rand. In recent years, FROGs have read and discussed The Voice of Reason, Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology, Philosophy: Who Needs It, The Virtue of Selfishness, Ayn Rand's Normative Ethics, The Fountainhead, The Romantic Manifesto, Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal, and more. The discussion for each essay is guided and managed by a rotating volunteer, also chosen at the prior meeting. Meetings tend to last two to three hours, often with a break for snacks and chat in the middle. Some groups are structured to have dedicated (optional) socialization time before or after, accompanied by appetizers or dinner.


Group Standard Meeting Time Standard Meeting Location Leader
1FROG 4th Saturday of the month
5:00pm - 9:00pm
rotating among members' homes
2FROG 4th Sunday of the month
1:00pm - 4:30pm
North Denver Metro Area
(Superior, CO)
3FROG 2nd Saturday of the month
2:00pm - 5:00pm
South/East Denver Metro Area
(Aurora, CO)
4FROG 3th Monday of the month
7:00pm - 9:00pm
North Denver Metro Area
(Louisville, CO)


As of November 20, 2023, we are no longer automatically inviting the main FRO Google Groups to their respective events on the "central" FRO Calendar. Instead, we are maintaining separate Google Groups for each FRO study group for those who wish to receive individual calendar events (that include location information and other details) on their personal calendars.

If you are in one of the FRO study groups and wish to receive calendar invitations that will have their details automatically updated in your calendaring app, please (and be sure to send an email from the account that is connected to your calendar).

Standards of Membership

FROG members differ in the depth of their understanding of Objectivism, but all are committed to understanding and applying the philosophy in their own lives. FROG meetings aim for constructive and friendly discussion -- not acrimonious debate. So the principles of Objectivism serve as the implicit and explicit background of the discussions at FROG meetings. So we might discuss the proper applications of property rights or the fallacies of anarchism, but we do not debate whether property rights exist or whether government is necessary. Or we might discuss the extent of animal consciousness, but we do not debate whether consciousness is a myth or whether animals have rights. In short, we are happy to discuss -- but not debate -- any topic relevant to Objectivism. In essence, FROG welcomes friendly people who agree with the main tenets of Objectivism and wish to study it further. FROG is not an appropriate forum for people unfamiliar with or opposed to its principles. People who prove disruptive to the aims of FROG will be removed from the group by the FROG Leader.

Standards of Conduct

All FROG members are encouraged to contribute to the smooth running of the group and its meetings. To that end:

In addition, FROG members are encouraged to act in a friendly--or at least civil--way toward each other. In case of any serious conflict, the people are encouraged to attempt to resolve the problem between themselves, preferably by meeting in person. If further help is required, then they can discuss the conflict with their FROG leader.


To maintain the high value of FROG meetings, the FROG groups are selective about their members. To join, you must first speak to the group leader, then attend as a guest for a few meetings. After that, if approved by existing members, you will be invited to join. However, before you attempt to join FROG, you are strongly encouraged to attend FRO's talks or social events to meet current members thereof. Introduce yourself; tell people that you're interested in joining FROG and discuss your interest in studying Objectivism. If you're interested in joining FROG, be sure to join FRO's Announcement E-mail List to receive announcements of major FRO news and events, including openings in FROGs.

FRO Study Groups | Front Range Objectivism